Thriving living systems create conditions conducive to supporting thriving living systems. If any system isin’t doing this, it needs to be redesigned - together.
Planetary resources are finite. Human imagination, inspiration and collective ingenuity are infinite. The former need to be stewarded. The latter can - and must - be unleashed.
Regenerative potential can not be realized without the meaningful, ethical and equitable participation of the full diversity of inhabitants of a place. Host Nations are not just inhabitants they are Rightsholders with profound wisdom and reciprocal responsibilities to lands and all beings (human and more-than-human) with whom we share them. As land-based practitioners working on unceded lands, upholding and uplifting UNDRIP (the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) and the TRC Calls to Action are baselines for moving forward together in upholding Indigenous rights, sacred laws and restoring right relationships.
Change is made by our cumulative actions. "Independence is a colonial construct" (Pulxaneeks, Heart to Heart Relations).
We have the knowledge, wisdom and resources to make transformative change NOW, but we need the collective will, mutual respect and collaborative agency to realize it. This starts with changing our mindsets, our framing stories and the future/s we imagine possible. These stories shape who we are, who we can be, and what we can do together. When we change these, EVERYTHING else changes.
We stand - as part of Architects Declare - with FridaysforFuture, Indigenous Climate Action, and the growing legions of global youth, Indigenous land defenders, matriarchs and others working together to blaze new paths forward...not just Fridays, but EVERY. DAY.
Lateral Agency is a collective committed to redesigning the future - together - for the mutual flourishing of all!
#ArchitectsDeclare #ArchitectsDivest #RedesigntheFutureTogether